Friday, January 16, 2015

Attention Parents: Good Kids Can Still Make Bad Decisions

Picture this: A mom sitting in my office, tears streaming down her face as she says to me these infamous words, “But (s)he’s a ‘good kid’”.  This is a scenario I have lived through too many times to count.

I remember when I first started in ministry (at 19 years old) there were things that ‘shocked’ me.  I would find out about one of our ‘good kids’ doing something that was ‘out of character’ for them.  Whatever it was, I remember feeling like these parents-shock and disbelief.  16 years later, I no longer feel shock and disbelief.  Instead I have realized a VERY IMPORTANT TRUTH: Good kids-and I mean really great, awesome, amazing, sweet kids can make bad-and I mean really terrible, awful, stupid decisions. 

I have known the sweetest girls who have been addicted to porn because they have unlimited and unrestricted access to the internet.  I have known adorable and ‘innocent’ boys who have used more drugs than their parents could imagine because they are a ‘good kid’ and parents trust them with tons of freedom. 

Don’t get me wrong; I am an advocate for believing the best for your child.  However, I think we miss the mark when we translate believing the best into too much freedom too soon. 

I want you to know this because I see parents let their guard down all the time because they have a ‘good kid’.  Yes! You do! I agree! They are awesome and I love getting to journey with them.  Unfortunately being a good kid is not a free pass to avoiding bad decision. 

BUT-here’s the good news: BAD DECISIONS DON’T DEFINE YOUR CHILD!!!   

I have made make mistakes.  I am so grateful that I am not defined by every bad choice I make.  Neither are our kids. 

Don’t fall into the trap that your good kid is incapable of bad choices.  As long as we are this side of heaven, we can goof up.